This price is the median sold price of all single-family homes, condos, and townhomes in the Livingston area. The median sold price for each type of home is broken down below.
This data comes from the Big Sky Country MLS.
While Livingston's real estate prices are significantly lower than in neighboring Bozeman, Livingston's home prices are steadily rising. Livingston's real estate market is also seeing a surge of new construction, bringing more condos, townhomes, and brand-new single-family homes to the market. While a market report gives you a snapshot of what homes cost in Livingston, it won't give you a clear picture of what is actually on the market. We've put together this list of homes currently for sale in Livingston at all different price points. To see all homes currently for sale in Livingston, click here.
Livingston Real Estate Information
In Livingston, you can find a handful of homes for sale under $400,000. At this price point, you will find mostly condos, many of which are newer construction. You may find a rare single-family home in Livingston under $400,000, although it may be a fixer-upper. To get an alert when a home in this price range comes on the market, sign up for our new listing notifications.!
No properties currently match this criteria.
This is a great price point in Livingston, as you will find a bit of everything! At this price point, you can find some great single-family homes including beautifully restored historic homes or newly built homes. You will also start to see properties with a bit of land at this price point.
At this price point in Livingston, everything starts to get a bit bigger! Many of the homes in this price range offer plenty of space inside and out. You'll start to see homes with ADUs and other desirable features. You may even find some riverfront properties!
At this price point, you will start to find those mountain properties that look like a scene out of Yellowstone. Log cabins tucked into the pine trees and plenty of privacy can all be found at this price point. You can also find some of the most beautiful homes within the city of Livingston, including beautifully remodeled historic homes right in the center of town.
This is what Montana dreams are made of. At this price point, you will find the best of Paradise Valley. River front homes, ranches, stunning mountain views and some of the most beautiful homes in Montana can be found right here.
A new resort may be coming to the Paradise Valley. The proposed location is 5 miles south of Livingston and east of East River Road, near Suce Creek....
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