Bozeman Montana Real Estate Market - Bozeman Real Estate Group

Bozeman Market Report

This real estate market report takes data available from the Big Sky Country MLS and turns it into the information you want to know about Bozeman’s real estate market. How many homes sold over the asking price last month? Or, what percentage of list price are sellers getting for their homes these days?

Bookmark this page to get the latest real estate market statistics for Bozeman, Belgrade, Livingston, Manhattan, Three Forks, and Big Sky. Or, sign up for our Market Report newsletter!

The statistics on this page are updated every month. If you have questions about the data you see on this page, please reach out to us. We are happy to answer your questions.

Is Bozeman, MT a buyer’s
or seller’s market?

This snapshot of Bozeman's housing market is based on the months supply of inventory and is calculated by dividing the number of homes on the market by the number of homes that have sold in the last month.


How much do homes cost
in Bozeman, MT?

This median sold price includes single-family homes, condos, and townhomes and is based on monthly data.


(-15%) Year Over Year Change

Data provided by the Big Sky Country MLS

What do different types of homes cost?

This is the median price for each home type sold in the specified area.

Type February 2024 February 2025 Year Over Year Change

Single Family












Data provided by the Big Sky Country MLS

What do homes cost in other areas?

This is the median price for which single-family homes, condos, and townhomes were sold in the specified area. The median sold price is based on monthly data and can be skewed by the sale of a few higher-than-normal-priced listings, particularly in smaller cities.

City February 2024 February 2025 Year Over Year Change
















Data provided by the Big Sky Country MLS

How many homes have sold in Bozeman, MT?

This is the total number of residential properties (single family homes, condos and townhomes) sold in this area during the reported month.

February 2024


February 2025


Year Over Year Change


Data provided by the Big Sky Country MLS

How Many Homes Sold Over the
Asking Price in Bozeman, MT?

This is calculating how many homes sold (including single-family, condo, and townhomes in the specified area) for over the original asking price vs under the original asking price in the past month.

49 Homes Were Sold
Under Asking Price

12 Homes Were Sold
At Asking Price

4 Homes Were Sold
Over Asking Price

Data provided by the Big Sky Country MLS

What Percentage of the Listing
Price Are Sellers Getting?

The original price received is the average of the sales price divided by the original list price expressed as a percentage.


-1% Year Over Year Change

Data provided by the Big Sky Country MLS

How long does a home spend on the market?

This is the median number of days between when a home is listed and when it goes under contract.

February 2024


February 2025


Year Over Year Change


Data provided by the Big Sky Country MLS

Frequently asked questions

Where does the data on this page come from?

Our data comes from Domus Analytics which is a program that integrates with the Big Sky Country MLS (multiple listing service) system. This is the system used by all licensed real estate agents in our area. Montana is a non-disclosure state which means that the sold price of a home cannot be posted publicly and is only available to members of the MLS. Because this data comes directly from the MLS, this is the most accurate data available.

Why is your data sometimes different than what is on Redfin or Zillow?

Every website approaches its data differently. For example, Redfin reports a Days on Market that compares the number of days between the listing date and the sale date whereas the numbers on this page calculate the number of days between when a property is listed and the contract date. Zillow calculates a Days on Market for all the properties listed on Zillow which includes for sale by owner properties.

Why do the numbers fluctuate so much in some reports?

Many of the areas we report on are small in size, and limited in inventory. When the inventory is so low, a slight change can have a big impact on the monthly numbers. For example, if a new development at a higher price point closes several properties in one month that can have a big impact on the median price for the month.

When does the market report update?

This market report is updated between the 3rd-6th of every month. Be sure to bookmark this page or sign up for our Market Report newsletter to get emails when we update the numbers.

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