This price is the median sold price of all single-family homes, condos, and townhomes in the greater Bozeman area. The median sold price for each type of home is broken down below.
This data comes from the Big Sky Country MLS.
To get a snapshot of Bozeman's current real estate market, we’ve put together this list of homes currently for sale in Bozeman at different price points.
This is the price range where Bozeman home prices start. It is mostly condos at this price point, along with a rare manufactured home. This is a popular price point so homes go very quickly. If you don't want to miss out, sign up for our new listing notifications to be notified the minute a home in this price range goes on the market.
At this price point in Bozeman, you will start to see a mix of condos, townhomes, and a rare single-family home. Many of the single-family homes in this price range are smaller and in older neighborhoods but that is not necessarily a bad thing! If you would like to be notified about homes that come on the market in this price range, sign up for our new listing notifications.
You will start to see more single-family homes in this price range but there are still condos and townhomes in desirable locations or new developments. You'll find many single-family homes in the three-bedroom range and can find homes in some great neighborhoods. To explore Bozeman's subdivisions further, click here.
This is the price range in Bozeman where you will start to see mostly single-family homes. You can find beautiful high-end homes in newer neighborhoods at this price point, or homes in some of Bozeman's best mature neighborhoods. You may also find higher-end condos and townhomes in some of Bozeman's newer developments.
In this price range, you will find a wide variety of homes in Bozeman. From downtown condos to beautiful homes on large pieces of land, this price point has it all. If you don't want to miss out, sign up for our new listing notifications to be notified the minute a home in this price range goes on the market.
This is the price point where you will find the most incredible Bozeman properties. If you are looking for mountain views, large parcels of land, and beautiful homes, this is where you will find it.
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